Program Reasoning Amrita

Unit 1


Topic Videos Slides Resources Evaluation
0 Welcome Lec 0 (6m45s)
1 Introduction to program reasoning
(covers what is reasoning and techniques used)
Lec 1.1 (8m31s)
Lec 1.2 (11m9s)
Intro Quiz-1
2 What makes program reasoning hard?
(covers unhealthy coding practices)
Lec 2.1 (8m39s)
Lec 2.2 (6m43s)
Lec 2.3 (9m18s)
Don'ts Assignment-2
Viva-1 start
3 Levels of program correctness
(explains different levels of correctness with examples and
how they are accomplished)
Lec 3.1 (10m22s)
Lec 3.2 (10m10s)
Lec 3.3 (6m21s)
Lec 3.4 (8m12s)
Lec 3.5 (6m)
Levels of
4 Towards reasoning of program logic
(covers why formal reasoning is important)
Lec 4.1 (8m43s)
Lec 4.2 (8m49s)
Lec 4.3 (7m9s)
Lec 4.4 (5m3s)
Lec 4.5 (9m34s)
5 Weakest pre-conditions - 1
(covers calculus associated with primitive types & no loops)
Lec 5.1 (10m44s)
Lec 5.2 (9m5s)
Lec 5.3 (7m)
Lec 5.4 (14m57s)
Lec 5.5 (9m15s)
6 Getting ready to work with frama-c
(covers pre-requisites and guidelines for installing frama-c)
Lec 6.1(1m19s) Ubuntu on
7 ANSI C Specification Language (ACSL)
(provides an overview of ACSL)
Lec 7.1 (8m1s)
Lec 7.2 (7m44s)
Lec 7.3 (13m)
ACSL Quiz-4
8 Functional verification with frama-c
(covers demonstration of various features of frama-c with
suitable examples)
Lec 8.1 (10m56s)
Lec 8.2 (12m30s)
Lec 8.3 (9m23s)
Lec 8.4 (6m3s)
Lec 8.5 (8m24s)
Lec 8.6 (10m43s)
Lec 8.7 (10m46s)
Frama-c Assignment-6
Viva-1 end

Unit 2

S.No Topic Videos Slides Resources Evaluation
9 In prescribed book, read through
chapter 3 and try out examples
and exercises.
10 Dealing with loops Lec 10.1 ()
Lec 10.2 ()
Lec 10.3 ()
Lec 10.4 ()
Lec 10.5 ()
Lec 10.6 ()
Lec 10.7 ()
Lec 10.8 ()
11 Program verification on immutable arrays in frama-c
(Covers programs on arrays that do not modify elements)
Lec 11.1 ()
Lec 11.2 ()
Lec 11.3 ()
Lec 11.4 ()
Lec 11.5 ()
Lec 11.6 ()
Lec 11.7 ()
Lec 11.8 ()
12 Program verification on mutable arrays in frama-c
(Covers programs on arrays that modifies elements)
Lec 12.1 ()
Lec 12.2 ()
Lec 12.3 ()
Lec 12.4 ()
13 Program verification with nested loops in frama-c
14 An overview of how proof systems work
15 Limits of functional verification

Unit 3

S.No Topic Videos Slides Resources Activities
16 Concurrency and its problems
(Race conditions, safety, liveness, fairness)
Lec 13.1 ()
Lec 13.2 ()
Lec 13.3 ()
Lec 13.4 ()
Lec 13.6 ()
Lec 13.7 ()
Lec 13.8 ()
Lec 13.9 ()
Lec 13.10 ()
10 Classical examples of concurrency
(Producer-consumer, readers-writer, dining philosophers, ...)
11 Behavioral verification
(Modelling, temporal properties, model-checking)
Lec 15.1 ()
Lec 15.2 ()
Lec 15.3 ()
Lec 15.4 ()
Lec 15.5 ()
12 Property specification using Linear-time Temporal Logic
(Covers X, F, G, U, R properties with examples)
Lec 16.1 ()
Lec 16.2 ()
Lec 16.3 ()
Lec 16.4 ()
Lec 16.5 ()
13 Modeling with Promela: Demo
14 Model checking with SPIN: Demo
15 Conclusion